Meeting Adaptive Challenges - Veteran Teacher Technology Self-Efficacy and Well-being: A Case Study



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Educational institutions have experienced growing pressures on retaining high-quality staff. The problem was resistance to learning new technology and low K–12 veteran teacher technology self-efficacy (Francom, 2020; Šabić et al., 2022), and the implications for changes in professional development leadership. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore K–12 veteran teacher perspectives on the influence of professional development on technology integration and increased technology self-efficacy to promote well-being and meet adaptive challenges, and the subsequent implications on professional development leadership. A gap in research existed identifying sustainable techno-pedagogical professional development to support veteran teachers. The study’s theoretical framework included Bandura’s self-efficacy theory and Bass’s transformational/relationship leadership theory. This exploratory study allowed for the investigation of technology self-efficacy professional development relationships from the perception of 17 veteran teachers from a medium-sized school district in Florida. Purposive sampling and an interpretive lens deepened understanding of the intersection of leadership and self-efficacy theories and well-being. Three research questions to clarify the problem focused on the demands for integrated technology, factors affecting technology self-efficacy, and reasons for resistance. A questionnaire and semistructured interview allowed participants to generate meaning from their experience with professional development. Thematic analysis was applied to identify, organize, and describe emerging themes relating to technology self-efficacy and implications for professional learning leaders assessing existing practices. Eight themes emerged, representing new understanding surrounding veteran teachers’ positive attitudes towards learning and methods for meaningful professional learning to build technology self-efficacy.



adaptive challenges, professional development, self-efficacy, technology, well-being
