Public Health Education About Holistic Medicine Options and Proper Use: A Phenomenological Study



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Understanding health from a holistic perspective is a principle needed by the public. The problem is the public may not be aware of the comprehensive benefits related to holistic healthcare options and the proper use of various forms of holistic medical treatments, yet there is rising popularity amongst the public to use holistic remedies for health preventative measures and health problems. A lack of health knowledge can be harmful. The purpose of the qualitative phenomenological study was to understand the lived experiences of holistic healthcare practitioners related to how they educate and inform the public about various forms of holistic medicine options and proper use. A gap in the literature exists regarding barriers to public health education, the proper understanding of holistic medicine options, and individuals wanting and needing holistic healthcare education. Social cognitive theory and terrain theory were the theoretical frameworks. Research questions examined lived experiences of holistic practitioners regarding barriers to the public understanding holistic medicine. Using a phenomenological design with purposeful sampling, 15 practitioners were selected from 319,493 holistic practitioners in the United States. Data collection instruments were semi-structured interviews and written notes. Zoom conferencing interviews were transcribed via electronic speech-to-text and thematically analyzed using NVivo12 by QSR. Key findings revealed industry regulation by pharmaceutical corporations controlling information and creating disadvantages in public education. Recommendations indicated a need for increased holistic education, support for non-corporate holistic practitioners, interdisciplinary collaboration, personalized approaches, and private memberships.




Portugal, L. M. (2023). Public Health Education About Holistic Medicine Options and Proper Use: A Phenomenological Study. American College of Education.