Teachers’ Use of Mobile Learning Tools Aligned with Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK): A Quantitative Study



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After COVID 19 pandemic started, United States public schools pursued alternative learning options. Schools began teaching virtually, so schools could reopen safely. Eventually, some schools preferred to continue with the virtual learning option and the face-to-face option with safety measures. The problem is that many teachers shifted from traditional to virtual teaching without proper training for the TPACK framework, which is the base for virtual learning. There is a gap in literature regarding the virtual teacher’s knowledge of the TPACK framework and their usage of mobile learning (M-Learning) tools. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the virtual teachers’ TPACK framework knowledge (independent variable), and its relation to the use of M-Learning tools in virtual classes (dependent variable) in current virtual schools. Four elements of the TPACK theory, PK, PCK, TPK, and TCK, were examined to confirm the correlation between the elements and M- learning tools usage was functioned as the theoretical framework of the study and help address the four research questions. A sample population of 35 virtual teachers working during the academic 2022-23 school year were recruited for the study. Two electronic questionnaires were used to collect responses from participants and analyzed utilizing Kindal-Tau test. The results indicated a positive statistical correlation between M-learning tools usage levels and only one of the tested TPACK elements.


