Qualitative Descriptive Study of Communication as a Portal for Leadership Constructs
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Communication is essential to successful leadership. The problem is communication is regarded and imparted as another business leadership construct (Fleck et al., 2019). Positioning communication as a leadership construct represents a gap in the existing literature. The purpose of the qualitative descriptive study was to explore communication as a portal for leadership constructs. Two theories used to develop the framework of communication as a portal for leadership constructs include the theory of constructivism and the trait theory of leadership. The findings from Research Question 1 describe leadership constructs essential to successful business practice as described by business leaders. The results from Research Question 2 elevate communication as a portal for other leadership constructs in successful business practice as described by business leaders. Phenomenology was utilized to explore communication as a portal for leadership constructs. The selected population of interest was a subgroup of the total West Michigan workforce consisting of 739,080 employees with a sample size of 22 business leaders. Purposive sampling was used. Unstructured interviews and five focus groups were employed for data collection. The data were analyzed thematically using HyperRESEARCH. Emergent themes were coded and categorized. Verifying the value of communication to leadership and establishing communication as a portal for leadership constructs were results of the study. A paradigm shift was recommended regarding how communication is viewed and implemented by business leaders. As a result of the study, a greater degree of importance should be assigned to the role of communication in successful leadership.