Teachers’ Perceptions of Gamification for Second-Language Acquisition: An Exploratory Qualitative Case Study of Two International Schools in Greece



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Gamification can be a useful education tool in second-language classrooms. The problem the study addressed was the limited information identifying best practices, uses, benefits, and challenges when utilizing gamification to support language acquisition. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to identify best practices from teachers’ perspectives in Greece regarding the use of gamification for language acquisition. The problematic aspect of the existing literature was the lack of holistic understanding as to why this gamification approach works and how gamification applies to different socio-cultural learning environments across various languages. Research questions sought instructional strategies, teacher perceptions, and usage of gamification in second-language classrooms. This qualitative case study delved into interviews and focus groups with 16 PreK–12 second-language teachers whom the Greek Ministry of Education approved at two private institutions in Greece. Interview and focus group data were analyzed, and themes were identified. The three research questions were answered by 10 final themes. The themes captured teachers’ perspectives on gamification in second-language classrooms. The themes describe how teachers use gamification tools and key aspects of such tools, how gamification supports language development, and the successes and challenges of gamification. Two theoretical frameworks were used to guide this study. Bloom’s taxonomy (BT), revised Bloom’s taxonomy (RBT), and Mayer’s cognitive theory of multimedia learning were combined to direct the literature review and aided in the analysis of the qualitative data obtained from the teachers. Specific recommendations were provided to improve gamification tools, their usage in second-language classrooms, and future research opportunities.



gamification, language learning, second-language acquisition, teacher perceptions, technology
